Antik Stillleben Charles Thomas Bale 1878 Ölgemälde stilleben

5.990 €

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10115 Berlin - Mitte


Stillleben Charles Thomas Bale 1878 Ölgemälde Gemälde Rahmen Stilleben
Auf Kunstauktionen erzielen seine Bilder bis zu 15.000 €
Er ist ein wahrer Meister seines Faches und ist durch seine Wirkung recht bekannt geworden.
Zu Charles Thomas Bale (fl. 1860-90):
über das Leben von Charles Thomas Bale ist wenig bekannt; aktiv war er in den 1860er/90er Jahren in London und Levenshulme (Manchester); er malte vornehmlich Blumen- und Früchtestillleben; er stellte in der Royal Academy und der Society of British Artists aus; Werke befinden sich u.a. in der Ferens Art Gallery (Hull, Yorkshire), im City Museum und Art Gallery (Lancaster), in der Art Gallery und Museum (Salford), in der City Art Gallery (Wakefield) --- LITERATUR: DESMOND, Ray (1994):Dictionary Of British And Irish Botantists And Horticulturalists Including Plant Collectors, Flower Painters and Garden Designers; Taylor & Francis; London; S. 37 -- WOOD, Christopher (2008): Victorian Painters [The Text]; Antique Collectors' Club; Woodbridge; S. 35 -- WRIGHT, Christopher (2006): British and Irish Paintings in Public Collections; Yale University Press; S. 78

Biographical details

Little is known of Charles Thomas Bale (fl.1866-92), save that in 1872 he exhibited at both the Royal Academy and the Society of British Artists in Suffolk Street.

He was an extremely prolific artist, producing hundreds of still life paintings which depict various combinations of fruit, flowers, birds’ nests, game, silver and earthenware jars. These seem to be almost entirely in private collections, possibly because of their domestic scale and decorative content; although the work of many of his peers (Eloïse Stannard, Oliver Clare and William Henry ‘Bird’s Nest’ Hunt) has been more openly recognized.

The 19th century was a golden age for still life painters, and numbers of them flourished throughout the century, from William Henry Hunt (b.1790) to Catherine Wood (d.1922).

Bale shares with them a fairytale or Arcadian vision of plenty, in which the largest works arranged extravagant cornucopias of fruit, etc., over shelves or Turkey carpets. His work individually has been compared specifically to that of George Lance (1802-64) and the latter’s pupil, William Duffield (1816-63), both of whom had connections with Belgium.

Bale also painted genre scenes, landscapes, and a few scenes of social realism; he signed his work either ‘C.T. Bale’, or with a monogram.

Works in public collections include Still life with dead game, a pair (both Wakefield Art Gallery).


Es war viele Jahrzehnte in einer persönlichen Sammlung und wir würden uns freuen, wenn das Bild in wertschätzende Hände gelangt.

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August von Siegen, deutscher Maler des 19. Jahrhunderts,
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